Thursday 26 April 2012

I am very tired now

There are two things make me tired thinking of people who are make me down. Not supportive me. What the hell I have to think what they said... What's your problem Chacha? I have no idea. Normally, people will stand a problem with their friends. Actually, betweens you are not okay with them or they are not okay with you. Sometimes, it just happening in we're unexpected. Seems, I know I'm a 3rd from 4siblings.. facts, I will consider just like a girl in the middle. I am the type that will love to hear a lot of people's problem than I don't have time to take care of my problem. I am the type that will quiet a lot while people around me easy to quipped me for than I am okay for a few times but then when it's so over, I hurts inside. Just like 'Chacha nih sombong" 'Chacha ni gila ke' 'Chacha ni bodoh lah' 'Chacha ni, taklah..bukan macam tu lah' . Pretending that  I am alright but I am not. Well frankly speaking, how perfect you are? I'm sorry to say it. It is true right? You are saying without thinking what others feels. Okay oh my..I'm sorry, Oh maybe my fault because I am not perfect. Hell yes ! I kindly thinks to be perfect for you my friends. What am I doing is so wrong to you, I will slowly change. But can you courage me to be a good to your sight. Maybe also I am too sensitive, so courage me not may think like that.


Other thing, the person will make me down.. the boyfriend. Yapp..yapp.. what else right, the 'tut' em.. people were saying special boyfriend or 'Pakwe'. Ahahaha so stupid. How could you, how could you do this to me. Said that this will happening when two coupled are possibly are not Okay. Oh no, some of you have been em fraudulently ! So here I am,saying that this guy stab me while I at Kuala Lumpur were currently studying bachelor at some college ever didn't know he could do this!! I didn't know this happening. Well there's not too much to mad about, but it's been a few times he do stupid things. Oh konon nye, chatting with friends. Well it is Okay again but you are not just like chatting with friends. It mostly I see like you are flirting lah ! Euwww what awesome things you do. I still want you. YES. I still want you because after all we've been together, I not even thinking other guy. Only you. Unless, there are no more chance to us being together if I see you not change anything. Ruined our relations so easy just a second but to build it hard just  a few years.

ask, cool, couple, cute, dedos, drawing

Wished the next day will be a great day :]

That's all from me,

1 comment:

  1. This life is not free from many, be patient..Wished u will get a great day...:)
